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Заявление Всемирной Федерации Бодибилдинга (World Bodybuilding Federation)

Заявление Всемирной Федерации Бодибилдинга (World Bodybuilding Federation)

Заявление Всемирной Федерации Бодибилдинга (World Bodybuilding Federation)

29 октября 2010 года состоялся международный турнир «Мистер Вселенная» (по версии WBBF).

Боле полугода спустя, один из выступавших атлетов, британский культурист Дайо Ауди попытался оспорить результаты этого чемпионата...
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как говорилось в одной песне "средства массовой информации ведут массы к маразму".
Изменено: Илья190510 - 23.06.2011 19:49:06
Please read my statement below:

I do not know Michael Diakonov but I will assume that he holds some kind of position in the WBBF. I have received a number of emails fr om some Russian bodybuilders who were asking all sorts of questions about a so-called "contest" that I was meant to have competed. I do not live in Russia and I do not understand the Russian language either. But for these individuals I would never have known the huge debate that has being going on about this so-called "Universe" contest and the serious questioning of Nevsky's claim to be a bodybuilder. Nevsky is an actor trying to make it in Hollywood.

I think it would be best if we just stick to the issues rather than anybody making comparisons between Arnold and Mentzer as Diakonov has done because at least those two guys were bodybuilders. Diakonov was not present to know the discussions that took place which finally led to my travelling as a guest to that contest. These are some facts which I would want all readers of this statement to consider .

1. Diakonov please provide any statement confirming that I have come out of retirement to defend my title?
2 Diakonov , please provide any form of correspondence stating my intention to compete at that so-called event.
3. Diakonov, why should WBBF take it upon itself to provide me with free return ticket if it was not as a guest and to help Nevsky with his film Pumping Iron 2. Now I hear it has now changed to Nevsky Classic. Competing athletes pay their own fare, guests get their fare paid for. A return ticket was provided for me. For this reason I did not charge any money for the appearance on stage.

The fact was that I did not even want to come to guest pose as I was contacted just 5 weeks before the show and I told the people who were actually begging me to come that I had not been training for 12 months and asked them to find somebody in Eastern Europe to do the guest spot. The whole issue of competing was out of the question.

Even Nevsky the man called "Russian Swarzenneger" received his "trophy" in Roman skirt and a big leather belt to hold in his stomach. Does this picture show seriousness or a joke. Who receives title in fancy dress gladiator uniform? Where were the trunks?? Also in a so-called "Universe" contest, just a retired former champion, an actor trying to make it in Hollywood as an actor but pretending to follow in the footsteps of Arnold and a third guy, a lightweight bodybuilder.. Also none of us were issued with competitors numbers in the photo. Look at the photo yourself.

When I got to the hall I did everything the organisers asked me to do- the guest posing, including every other thing which I was told was for audience entertainment only. I wonder who I can now trust in this sport.

I love the WBBF. However if this organisation is ever to be taken seriously and not treated as a joke by other federations it cannot afford to involve itself in things like this. You have to enter a competition in order to lose one. I did not go to Brusno to compete. The Press who Nevsky arranged to come did not mention anything about competition. They spoke to me about bodybilding in general- training, diet etc etc There was no talk about any competition. They were there to film for Nevsky's "Pumping Iron2" - NOT TO FILM NEVSKY IN COMPETITION AS HE IS NOT A COMPETITIVE BODYBUILDER.

Like I said and will always say. I have a track record showing my progress from novice right up to IFBB Pro and the other titles I won with NABBA over a period of 20 years. Please let us give the Universe title the respect it deserves. I have won many and lost many contests in my time but please don't tell me or the world I competed when I did not compete. Please also note that the "trophy" which was hidden behind the curtain then quickly presented after the posedown and "contest" was left backstage wh ere it belonged. As I did not compete for it, so I did not bring it back to the Uk.

Dayo Audi.
Лу Фериньо угорал когда услышал про Пампинг айрон-2 от чикенсона (вообще стыдно признаться, но что-то жду я этого фильма с нетерпением, особенно любопытно, что же за обещанную звезду из Pumping Iron как обещал Дьяконов&Со там сняли... может пока Лу Фериньо спал его и применили для "картины"... а он бедняга и сам не знает...
Изменено: Илья190510 - 23.06.2011 19:49:39
Изменено: Илья190510 - 23.06.2011 19:50:07
Антон Доценко пишет:
жду я этого фильма с нетерпением

Я тоже очень жду..Объявлено, что этот фильм о том, как Невский победил на том самом пресловутом ЮНИВЕРС. Значит мы увидим, как тот ведет переговоры с Дьяконовым, Басовым, Даубарасом о своей неожиданной "победе", как обещает помочь за это материально и информационно и том, что потом делать когда "начнут бить", ну и конечно увидим Невского качающегося в спортивном костюме Адибас, пьющего воду из крышечек, позирующего перед зеркалом, отрабатывающего позы и парное выступление с Сидоренко..А на заднем плане промелькнут звезды всемирной федерации...Боговцев, сам Басов и Дьяковов...второсортные артисты типа Э. Дивова...
Дайм пишет:
Я тоже очень жду..

Приходи в гости вместе посмотрим, только обязательно с пиратской копии скаченной в сети.
Антон Доценко пишет:
Приходи в гости вместе посмотрим, только обязательно с пиратской копии скаченной в сети.

А разве в кинотеатрах не будут показывать?
Изменено: Илья190510 - 23.06.2011 19:50:46
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