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Автор: NorthernHype Длительность: 00:03:59
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Опубликовал: Фёдор Бойкачёв 02.07.2014
Download Link: www.NorthernHype.net Blake Selby has been taking the M...
Download Link: www.NorthernHype.net Blake Selby has been taking the Midwest hip hop scene by storm with his debut album release of Ammunition. This album features Midwest hip hop star Twista, as well as Warner Brothers signed metal band Three Years Hollow. The Blake Selby & Northern Hype Midwest Tour is in full swing, to find a show near you visit www.NorthernHype.net Blake Selby, 3 Years Hollow, and IFBB Professional Bodybuilder Dennis Wolf teamed up with Monsta Clothing Company to create a song that would blend Hip Hop, Alternative Rock, Metal, and Bodybuilding together. Monsta Clothing: www.MonstaClothing.com For booking inquiries and all other inquiries, please submit through our contact form on www.NorthernHype.net
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